Mancham salutes new WIOCC head
In my position as a newly-appointed member of the board of governors of the Savannah Ocean Exchange which is based in Savannah, USA – I write with reference to your article on the launch of the Western Indian Ocean Coastal Challenge Regional Platform to congratulate Wills Agricole on being elected president of this new body.
According to your article, the WIOCC was first proposed by President James Michel in 2007 as a “platform to galvanise political, financial, technical commitments and actions at national and regional levels on climate change adaptation, promoting resilient eco-system – marine and coastal resources – sustainable livelihoods and human security.”
Besides me, the board of governors of the Savannah Ocean Exchange is made of another 29 thought-leaders from around the world who represent diverse background and expertise and share commitment to innovation and to the protection of the oceans and coastal regions.
On September 20, 2012, the Savannah Ocean Exchange will celebrate and promote innovative solutions of today in a dynamic and multi-disciplinary fashion. The Exchange 2012 theme is “Leap to Zero+”. An international call for solutions has just been issued for two incentive awards of US $100,000 each – the Gulfstream Navigator Award and the WWL Orcelle Award.
Perhaps the WIOCC Regional Platform could identify or promote solution projects which could be considered for the awards. In this case, the organisation could seek for further information on
James R. Mancham