‘No victory anymore for war,’ Mancham declares • Sri Lanka shining example of need for peace and stability
From left to right: Attorney General O’Brien Quinn, Minister Justin Pragassen, BIOT Commissioner Todd, JRM, Governor Colin Allan, Minister Chamery Chetty, Financial Secretary McKerllan, Minister Robert Delorié at Cabinet Meeting before Independence i
Responding to the crowd’s acclaim as Governor Sir Bruce Greatbatch (left) and Chief Minister Mancham escort the Queen and Prince Philip on an official visit to Seychelles
At the Franco-African summit in 1977, listening to the Chairman President Leopold Sedar Senghor of Senegal. Besides him is Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
JRM with former President of Portugal, Mario Soares, at Soleil d’Or, Seychelles in 1997. The first sighting of Seychelles was by the Portuguese navigator, Ferdinand Magellan
Press briefing at the United Nations headquarters on September 22, 1976, after Seychelles was admitted to U.N. membership by the General Assembly
Saluting the lowering of the Union Jack and the raising up of the new Seychelles flag at midnight on June 29, 1976, signaling the birth of the Republic of Seychelles. On left: JRM.